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"Midwest Book Review" - Piper Robbin (reviewer Diane Donovan)

Piper Robbin and the American Oz Maker Warwick Gleeson Del Sol Press  978-0999842546                     $11.99 Paper/$2.99 Kindle Piper Robbin and the American Oz Maker is an intriguing blend of fantasy and sci-fi loosely based on the Wizard of Oz original, but moves far from these roots into the territory of apocalyptic fantasy and speculative fiction. Piper Robbin is the ancient daughter of the Earth's greatest sorcerer inventor, Edison Godfellow, and faces a dangerous magical alien entity's attempts to destroy the human race with "The Witch Queen of Oz". The seven Oz-like city worlds designed to protect everyone from this alien force are failing, and Piper is charged with protecting the human race as she struggles with a legacy handed down through generations. The firs...

American Oz Maker on Audio


World Maker - The Ascension of Romanova

The prequel to Piper Robbin and the American Oz Maker is now published by Del Sol Press and entitled, World Maker : The Ascension of Romanova . The story focuses on the maturation of Catherine Romanova, from young girl in her father's castle in Prussia to World Maker supreme, and then back again. Plotting style and sets are very different from the follow-up Piper novel. Characters like Romanova spend a liberal amount of energy phasing from one point in time to the next, and it makes good sense. Why? Because they are fighting a time war for the destiny of the 21st century. One moment Catherine is at the Battle of the Somme in WW I, working to ensure the German army turns the war tide in its favor. Is this a spoiler? The next moment she is "bitch slapping" Genghis Khan in his own tomb (after a Mongolian wizard restores him to life), evolving to drag her abusive mother Princess Joanna down the castle hall by her hair. Regardless, the major thrust of the plot concerns a...